Flash 动画

Azure Biosystems’Azure cSeries is the only CCD based imaging systems that offer a gel imaging system that is fully upgradable to a laser based IR Western imaging system. The Azure Biosystems cSeries offers 7 unique gel imaging systems. Select which one fits your applications now, and learn more about upgrading later when your needs change.
The Azure Biosystems cSeries offers 7 unique gel imaging systems. Select which one fits your applications now, and learn more about upgrading later when your needs change.

For more informations:http://www.azurebiosystems.com

AzureSpot Analysis Software


● Perform 1D densitometry
● Automatically detect lanes and bands
● Correct for background
● Calculate molecular weights
● Quantify fluorescent signals
● Annotate your results
● Visualize multiplex analyses
● Export reports
